You are crawling nonstop now!
You are eating all kinds of babyfood and even eating a few things like peas, green beans, and mashed potatoes. You love to eat the "real" stuff. You still aren't a big fan of your formula bottles and I think you tolerate the babyfood because you know that mommy and daddy really want you to be a good eater.
You are crawling all over the house and pulling up on EVERYTHING. You pull up in your bed and when we come in your room after a nap or in the mornings we see your big smile.
You are starting to like the car a little bit better. We moved you to the big girl carseat!
You know that when Mommy gets the camera out you are supposed to smile.
You laugh a lot and it makes me so happy.
You are playing with all sorts of toys and can entertain yourself for a while on the floor.
You still love your exersaucer and you even like you cool new jumper.
We got you an umbrella stroller and you like that too.
You are growing up too fast!
Happy 7 month birthday my sweet georgia kate!! My how time has flown these months since you were born. You have found a special place in all our hearts! I love you!
love, Gogo
Georgia Kate! Happy 7 Months!! She is growing so fast and doing so many big girl things! I'd love to see what kind of umbrella stroller you got her, Kristen...can't wait for that stage, ha!
Also, I LOVE the pics in the pumpkin patch!
Happy 7 months Georgia Kate! You two have done such a great job with her! She is absolutely perfect and I know you're so proud!
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