Friday, June 18, 2010

Quick Update...

I am officially out of school for the summer. I thought that I would have alot more time to catch up on blogging, but this week has been a crazy busy week. We have been swimming, shopping, and hanging out at the park. It has been a lot of fun to be able to stay home with my little girl. She is so girly and I am loving every second of it. the big news is we sold our condo and are moving into Robert's parents rental property. We are so excited to be in a home with a yard and lots of space! We have been busy packing and moving and getting things ready! Robert's parents had to repaint the house and they let ME pick out all the colors. It was kinda fun! I think that the color choices look great. It is a fun older home that will be fun to fix up. I will post pics as soon as we get them!

1 comment:

auDi tHis woRld said...

Congrats on the new place! And... I can't tell you the last time I surfed blogs, but I obviously have missed A LOT of GK's life!!!! SHE HAS RED HAIR!!!!!!! When did that change? I LOVE IT!!!! Miss you!