Ok...so before you get started I want to warn you that this is a REALLY long post with picture overload! I have been trying to catch up on blogging and I think that I am almost caught up. I am headed to Ruston next weekend and my goal is to be all caught up before I leave! I still have to document Christmas with the my parents and Georgia Kate's baby dedication. I was going to skip and go straight to the dedication, but I do this blog to keep out of town friends and family informed, but also to have something for Georgia Kate to look back on one day and see all that she did! With that said...enjoy these pictures and I hope that it gives you an update on the wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day we had!

This is my beautiful Christmas Tree! I really liked it this year and never got around to posting Christmas decorations...so here is the tree!

My precious little one on Christmas Eve. We stayed in our pj's all morning. Very different from the Christmas Eve that I have had in the past, but it was alot of fun and we started new traditions.

Look at that smile! I know...I look terrible, but Georgia Kate makes up for it!

The only family photo we have from Christmas Eve. We went to church at Summit and then had dinner at Uncle Clint's and Aunt Maribeth's House.

Santa came to see Georgia Kate...Robert and I had so much fun with Santa this year. I know it looks like alot, but she has outgrown all her other "baby" toys. These are her big girl toys. Now she will sit and play and play!

Georgia Kate Christmas morning!

I love these sleepy eyes!

I put her down on the ground and let her crawl into the den to see what Santa brought her. She crawled under the chair and when she saw all her toys she got so excited!

She found her shopping cart!

She loved it! She played on it forever before she realized that there was more stuff!

Moved on to her Little People Barn

My personal favorite...her pink piano!

Helping Daddy open the gift that she got him...a pretty pink shirt!

Her new pajamas that Mommy and Daddy got her

Aunt Maribeth and Uncle Clint came over for breakfast and to open Christmas presents

Stubaby and Granmaried gave me a swing!

We tried it inside! I loved it!

Playing in the swing! She loves it!

Opening the Little People Noah's Ark from Uncle Clint and Aunt MB